Understanding the Various Types of Conversational AI That Can Give You a Competitive Advantage

Conversational AI has been in the news a lot recently, with many companies touting their use of chatbots and virtual agents. But what do these terms mean? Are they all the same thing? And how can you take advantage of them in your business? This article outlines some of the most important types of conversational AI and how they can help you achieve a competitive advantage.


Chatbots are one of the most popular conversational AI applications. They can be used for customer service, and answer simple questions (e.g., “Where is the package?”) or provide information about a product or service (e.g., “The warranty on this computer lasts for two years”).

Chatbots have been around for decades, but recent advances in natural language processing and artificial intelligence have made them much easier to program and deploy than ever before, making them increasingly common among businesses across industries.

Virtual agents