5 Top Trends in Customer Success

Customer success is a hot topic in the tech world. It’s the focus of many companies, but not all of them are getting it right. To make things even more confusing, there are even different definitions of customer success floating around. So what’s going on? Here are 5 trends that every company should be following when it comes to customer success.

Customer education

Customer education is a key component of a successful customer success strategy. It can help improve customer retention, reduce churn and increase customer satisfaction. It’s also an important part of increasing the value you’re providing to your customers.


You can also use data to understand your customers. Data is an essential piece of the customer success puzzle and it helps you understand how your customers use your product, or even better, how they use it in the context of their industry.

This knowledge will help you make more informed decisions about what needs to be improved, who may need extra attention, and how best to provide support for those issues.


The customer success team is a team sport. You’re not alone in this, and you shouldn’t have to be. Customer success is about collaboration with your customers and your company. Your role as a CSM is to help make sure everyone on the team has what they need, when they need it, to do their job effectively.

You must understand the roles of other departments in your company before you begin working with them:

Sales: The sales department works closely with marketing to identify leads and opportunities. They are responsible for finding prospects who are interested in your product or service and getting them into conversations where they can learn more about it through demos or calls with customer success managers (CSMs). Once potential customers have expressed interest by filling out an information request on your website or having one-on-one discussions about their needs, sales will work closely with CSMs during the conversion process—advocating for the customer throughout their journey from lead generation through product adoption and retention efforts—to ensure that both sides achieve their desired outcomes efficiently at every step along the way.

Marketing: Marketing’s role varies greatly depending on your business model but generally falls under three categories: creating awareness/interest among potential customers; educating current customers about new features or changes coming down from leadership; helping existing customers discover additional value from being part of your community.


Personalization is more than just a marketing tactic. It’s about making your customers feel heard and understood, which in turn will keep them coming back for more.It’s about making the customer feel like they are being listened to, understood, and valued. This means personalizing content based on the individual and tailoring interactions accordingly.

Focus on value

Value is what you bring to your customers. It is the reason they buy from you, not just a nice-to-have feature of your product or service. For example, a company sells coffee machines—a necessity for many businesses as well as individuals. They might offer an extensive menu of different types of coffee and tea that can be made with their machines, but this isn’t valuable; it’s just an extra feature that may or may not be useful to them.

If instead, they focus on providing value by offering training sessions on how to use their machines properly so that employees are more productive at work and less stressed when they get there (which translates into higher retention rates), then they’re helping their customers achieve business goals—and hopefully have fewer headaches in the office.


Customer success is an evolving field, and you need to keep up-to-date with the latest developments and tools. By doing so, you can ensure that your customers get the best possible experience from their interactions with us—and that means more business for everyone.