Using an iPad can be awesome. You’ve probably found a little bit out about it, but wish you could learn more. It is possible to bank, play, entertain and communication with your iPad. Read on!
The iPad doesn’t come with a paper manual so it will need to be downloaded if you want to read it. Most Apple products come with downloadable manuals.
You are able to send messages more effectively this way. Just tap your space bar two times as you type a sentence, and a period and space will appear at the end. This means you do not have to do it yourself manually, and you have more free time to compose messages to those you know.
Search Engine
You can switch your search engine from Google, if you wish. To change it, you’ll need to open the Settings menu, tap on Safari, and then tap Search Engine. You can use alternatives like Bing or Yahoo instead of Google.
You need to take good care of your iPad since it is such a big investment. A majority of the people who own an iPad purchase a screen protector to help protect the glass screen from becoming chipped or cracked. These are basically thin pieces of plastic that give your iPad’s screen protection. Always use soft, damp cloths when cleaning iPad screens. Don’t use things like window cleaners when you’re trying to wash your iPad off.
Your FaceTime phone numbers and emails should be set up. The default option is to use FaceTime with your primary email, but this can be changed. Go to the settings of your iPad and add the email addresses and phone numbers you want to see on FaceTime.
If you want to copy and paste text to the iPad’s clipboard, tap and hold on the target text. Tapping on the text, switch to an app, and hold it down again. A pop-up menu will appear, from which you should tap ‘paste.’ For a whole paragraph, you will have to tap four times.
If you are almost always connected to the internet in one way or another, then don’t overlook the cloud function of the iPad. It keeps your content off the hard drive, leaving you space. Make sure that you save critical documents to both your iPad and the cloud.
You can listen to music on your iPad, but are you aware you can also listen to podcasts? These audio programs last in length from a few minutes to a couple of hours, and are available on a number of topics. You might try listening to a podcast instead of music on your way to work. You are sure to find something that peaks your interest.
You can share documents between your iPad and PC or mac by using iTunes to sync your pages. This ability is a godsend for many. In addition, you can send your PDF documents through email and download them via a remote system.
Do you want your lock key to stop your tablet screen from turning, or to mute the sound? Some early models of the iPad will not have this option. If you are using iOS 4.3 or more, you have this option. Using the volume button on the side works to mute the iPad, too.
You can listen to your home iTunes library from your iPad. If you already have an iTunes account and songs in it, and don’t want to download them again, you have an easy solution. Just enable the “Home Sharing” feature in your iTunes settings on your computer, in addition to your iPad. Select your iPad Music icon, go to More and, finally, tap Shared. Then listen away!
Does the battery icon annoy you? Fortunately, if you’re one of them, you can easily remove the indicator. Navigate to Settings, select General, and find Usage. This is where it is possible to turn it off. Follow these steps if you later want to turn it back on.
Control all of the notifications you get. If you have various apps, you may always get alerted with various popups. You can adjust this setting by going into settings and then notifications. This will allow you to easily manage the apps that alert you, and you can turn off the ones you don’t need. This will keep your alerts for things that actually matter.
Here are a couple of ways to display a PDF. Either place the PDF inside iTunes and sync it with the iPad, or send an email to yourself on your iPad. Experiment with each method to determine which works for you.
Want to navigate between your apps without having to navigate to the home screen? All you have to do is double-tap Home, and all running apps will pop up. Simply tap the app that you’d like to switch to. To get back to the application you were using previously, you just repeat the process.
Have you ever tried hooking your iPad up to your television screen? It really isn’t that hard. You do need to buy an adapter, which is sold separately. Look for an Apple VGA adapter or a digital AV adapter. Each one works well.
Are you aware that you do not need to use the keyboard on your iPad? Typing on a tiny keyboard that is projected on a screen can be quite challenging. Hooking up a Bluetooth keyboard to your iPad is super easy. You can type as easily as you can with a laptop by using this method.
With your new iPad information tucked away beneath your cap, you can take full-advantage of this amazing gadget. As you educate yourself about the device, you will be amazed at all its functions. You will surely be happy to have this handy little gem.