The iPhone will make things much more convenient for you if you just know how to use it well. Particularly if you want to make the most of your iPhone, check out the information in this article.
If you own an iPhone, getting lost is a thing of the past. The iPhone’s maps app comes loaded onto your phone right when you get it, making it a breeze to locate yourself as long as you’re connected to the network. This can help you get home or anywhere else you were planning to be.
Uncooked rice can be used to help dry an iPhone that has gotten wet. It is common to drop the phone in a water puddle, the toilet or something wet. A hair dryer can actually damage your phone further so to avoid this, fill a ziploc bag with dry rice and put your phone into it. When you wake up in the morning, it ought to be dried out.
Larger Keyboard
Getting a larger keyboard makes web browsing simpler. You do not have to purchase a larger keyboard for this to happen. You can have use of a bigger keyboard by simply rotating your iPhone and going to the address bar in Safari and tapping it. The keyboard will be bigger, and you will be able to type on it better.
Once you understand how to use the volume buttons to take a picture, try taking a picture with the headphone cord. With the headphones plugged in and your camera app on, simply click the button located on the headphone cord. Using this method prevents you from shaking your iPhone and ending up with a blurry photo.
Increasing the speed of your messaging is another trick to the iPhone. If your iPhone doesn’t correctly guess the word you are attempting to text, you can touch the screen anywhere to cancel the guess. An “X” out option appears, as you can simply neglect this.
For quick access to messages, tag each email account in advance. Tagging allows you to receive notifications if a new message appears, as well as view the message instantly. You can tag just about any account to your iPhone.
If your iPhone is equipped with the Siri app, you may want to rethink using Siri often if you want to protect your privacy. What is spoken to Siri is recorded by Apple and stored on their internally-hosted servers. Although this assists with improving speech recognition and Apple maintains that there is file security, be aware that your conversations with Siri may be recorded.
You can set your iPhone to let you know when calls or messages are coming in. For silent but important notifications, you can set the LED camera flash to blink when a call or message comes in. Access this feature by utilizing the settings menu, and then tapping on “general” then “accessibility”. Select the button “LED Flash on Alerts.”
If you would like to have a sound verification when pressing a key, go to the keyboard clicks and select On. That way, you will know if the phone is picking up on your typing, thus reducing your own errors.
One of the best things about owning an iPhone is that it allows you to use practically any sound as a ringtone. Don’t be like everyone else and use standard ringtones. Upload a sound byte or favorite song. People will notice.
As you probably know, you can set reminders to start at certain times. You may not realize that it can also remind you of things based on location. For example, you can tell your phone to remind you of something as you leave work. You can use the iPhone to remind you of any event.
You can take a picture with your iPhone using just one hand. Frame the picture you want to take and push the raise volume button. The picture quality is as good as when taken the traditional way.
Sometimes you are working on your iPhone and you are interrupted when a notification pops up. Perhaps you wish to complete your initial task before addressing the notification. All you have to do is remove the notification from your screen. Simply swipe it with your finger when the pop-up appears.
There is a shortcut that you can use to get back to the very top of a web page or list. Fortunately, it’s not necessary to do this. Tapping status bar up on your screen (in other words the clock) instantly returns you to the page’s beginning. This can be used for other lengthy screens as well.
If you do not like Siri’s voice, you can change this to your liking. Locate the Siri app in the General Settings menu. You can set Siri’s language choice to French, German or English. You can also choose your preferred accent; for instance, make Siri British. In fact, British Siris are male.
If you want to save some work on the iPhone and come back to it later, just tap Cancel. You will receive a popup asking how you wish to proceed; one option being Save. If you hit Save, your message is saved under Drafts. If you have no Drafts folder, your phone will make one when you make that choice.
The iPhone comes with many features, one of them being a very advanced dictionary. This tool is incredibly helpful. Tap then hold on a word; when the options come up, choose Define.
You can get to your favorites and your iPod controls right away. Enter your setting menu, select general and finally the home button. In order to customize, simply double click and select your desired options. As long as you stick to these steps, this is pretty easy to do!
An iPhone is a great organizational tool and it can perform a number of other functions. However, you have to understand the best way to use it. Now, you just need to put the information to use so that you take full advantage of your device.